Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Draft Evaluation

My Advertising Evaluation first draft

View more presentations from 05reillyt.

1 comment:

  1. Tom, aspects of your evaluation are excellent however, there are some clear gaps in your understanding. In response to Q1, there is almost no evidence that you understand genre in terms of advertising - you make limited to no reference to different 'ad styles' explaining your choice. You also need to be more thorough in your technical analysis, making comparisons of camera, editing, sound and mise-en-scene.

    Your response to Q2 is quite good. You do need to be more proficient in your use of technical terms.

    Your response to Q4 is thorough.

    As there is no response Q3 I can't comment. However, you must respond critically to your audience feedback.

    Your ads and blog are in good shape. Please make sure there are absolutely no gaps/errors. The moderator will check.
