Thursday, 15 September 2011

Adverts that interest me - Golf Commercial

At the beginning of the advert, the audience are introduced with a long shot of two men playing golf. Immediately it suggests that the director is trying to capture their target audience, which would be people who enjoy playing golf, most likely to be men as there are no females in this advert. An extreme long shot is also used next, this time from where the hole is to show the man standing up to his ball behind two trees. The extreme long shot shows the audience how narrow the space between the trees are, suggesting it is a difficult shot to perform. For a golfer, seeing this would intrege them, so the target audience is then captured. Then, the director shows the other man with a mid shot, on the fairway. Showing him closer and in a good position for his shot, denotes he is a good golfer which could connote that he is the better player and therefore may use clubs from His superiority is reinforced with the camera when the man preparing for his shot is shown again with a long shot, denoting that he is not important in this advert and therfore doesn't use clubs from, the service that is being promoted in this advert.

Cuts dominate the editing in this traditional advertisement. At the beginning of the commercial they are slowly paced with a cut occurring roughly every 5 seconds. These cuts establish the setting for the viewer so people who are interested in golf so they can see the difficulty of the shot that the player needs to perform. Showing this to the audience in a low pace is intentional from the director because by the end of the advert, the viewer understands purchasing clubs from makes shots like the one being presented easy.  The cuts then begin to speed up towards the end of the advert when the man hits the golf ball. As the ball rebounds off the tree and hits the other man standing on the fairway, the speed of the advert speeds up dramatically. This is done by including a high number of cuts all closely linked in the footage. This makes the speed of the commercial seem really fast, increasing the verisimilitude when the ball hits the man, creating more excitement in the advert.

The advertisement is dominated by diegetic sound. It begins when the director allows the viewer to hear birds singing. This shows the director plays with nature so the audience can feel a sense of reality, making them believe the point of the advert that only clubs from can get a player out of tricky situations. Diegetic sound is used again to show an argument developing between the two men, when the man on the fairway doesn't think his friend can get through the trees. This disagreement between the two could suggest that if the man in the trees had clubs from, he wouldnt be in the trees in the first place, making golf more enjoyable.

When the director introduces the audience to the characters featuring in the commercial, the man about to take his shot is wearing a red jumper. This symbolises danger within the mise-en-scene, denoting that he is in a bad position as his ball is between two trees. This connotes that he is a bad golfer, which may be because he doesn't use clubs from This is reinforced at the end of the advert when the logo is presented. It is introduced with a green slide. Green is a positive colour which connotes within the advert that golf clubs from affect a golfer positively to help them become better. To continue, the man in the red jumper hits his ball into a tree and it rebounds to hit his friend. This denotes a negative situation within hte mise-en-scene because the idea of golf is to hit the ball straight and avoid trouble such as trees and people. This connotes that a golfers skill level is reduced when they are not using golf clubs from because their accuracy is bad, like the man in the red jumper.

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