Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Broadcast Advertising

*Broadcast advertising is radio and television commercials. Broadcast media reaches a broad audience. Radio and television broadcast advertising is known as mass marketing since national or even worldwide audiences can be reached. Advertising is one of the components of marketing. Marketing promotes services, products and ideas through specific channels.
Broadcast advertising persuades consumers of the benefits of advertisers' brands. Organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) monitor television and radio commercials to make sure advertisers and broadcasters aren't making false claims that may mislead consumers into buying their products. Radio and television stations must ensure commercials meet FTC standards before broadcasting them.
Advertisers pay broadcasters for a spot. An advertising spot is typically 30 seconds on both radio and television, although occasionally it may run up to 60 seconds. Although most broadcast advertising is paid, free public service announcements are typical broadcasting fare on television and radio. Broadcasters allow nonprofit groups and the government a limited number of free spots to promote messages and information for the general safety of the public. Public service announcements may include anti-drug messages or information about what to do in an influenza outbreak.

* http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-broadcast-advertising.htm - Wise Geek

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