Wednesday, 6 July 2011

How does Television advertising work?

As I am going to be producing a television advertisement, I need to delve deeper into this and research how they work effectively to ensure mine is a success.
Television is the most widespread and effective way of advertising awareness. Over 90% of consumers of a product advertised on TV watch television each week with the average adult watching approximately 25 hours of it in this time.

Is it still effective?
TV advertising still is relied upon by many businesses. This is proven in the fact that over the first 28 days of advertising on TV a brand is likely to see a sale increase by 5%. This is even higher in satellite channels that have a niche audience and small businesses with a targeted audience.
So, although consumers are becoming more reliant on new forms of advertising such as the internet, 43% of adults still say they respond to a TV advert, which is significantly more than radio and newspaper ads, with 13%.  
Is it expensive?
As digital TV has expanded in recent years, many people now have a choice of channels specific for them on a specific topic such as SKY SPORTS who focus on just sport. This offers a niche audience for potential advertisers. This results in advertising on these types of channels alot cheaper. Years ago, it would cost a £1million budget and £100,000 for the prodcution of a commercial to run a TV campaign. However, due to niche channels needing niche adverts, an advertising solution can be found for £10,000.
How does the process work?
To make the most out a TV advert, an ad agency should be hired. Agencies deal with a variety of campaigns and therefore give critical advice for any advertisement. They manage the cost of your advertisement by negotiating with contractors to find the best price and target your specific audience.
Top agencies offer invaluable experience. These include agencies such as Ogilvy and Saatchi & Saatchi.
How is my audience targeted?
Although my audiences age, gender and status is important in an advert, it is not as crucial for a TV advertisement. Demographics are more widely used which involves capturing my target audience through their interests such as their hobbies. This is becuase it will be more appealing for them to watch becuase its more of a specific group of people.

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