Tuesday, 11 October 2011

My progress slide show

I was given a task to create a presentation about the progress I have made so far in terms of my research. Therefore, in my presentation I covered some of the important aspects which has helped me to improve my knowledge and push my idea for an advert further.

View more presentations from 05reillyt.

I believe my presentation was successful in the way that it has outlined  the main areas I have covered so far in my research and what this has taught me. However, It has made me realise that I have fallen behind slightly. This is because reviewing my presentation to the class it doesn't give much insight into what my idea is and how my advert will be constructed. I have focused too much on analysing a variety of adverts rather than narrowing my research down and finding relevant information for a particular product. 
Therefore, when I next present to my class next month, I hope to have shown a clear idea I wish to take forward in my research and effective planning showing how my idea has developed through different stages. Doing this will ensure I am fully caught up so I can then concentrate on the production of my campaign.

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